New Frontiers Programme 2014 – 2015

Enterprise-ireland-logoWe are currently recruiting for our next New Frontiers Programme and we are seeking suitable applicants to the programme.

New Frontiers is a WIT / ITC collaboration and is funded by Enterprise Ireland. It is an intensive training and support programme that provides desk space, mentoring, business master classes, networking plus €15,000 in financial support to accelerate business start-ups (*Subject to eligibility).

The New Frontiers Programme is for potential entrepreneurs who have a well thought-out innovative business idea or an innovative technology that has the potential to be developed into a scalable high potential start-up company. Applicants should have enthusiasm, confidence and single-mindedness about setting up and running their own business and should be committed to spending time on researching the market potential and launching a new business.

Phase 1 of the Programme will commence in Waterford in September 2014 on a part-time basis, with Phase 2 commencing in December 2014.   We attach the New Frontiers brochure and application form for you information.  New Frontiers 2 Page Brochure.

To download our application form, please click New Frontiers SE Application Form 2014

For further information please check out New Frontiers at:

Website:                 Twitter: @newfrontiersse